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Prof. Proposal 1.004

First download from about section on 16/4/21 into text file and later to be edited in other softwares. Major strategy old blunder.

Prof. Proposal 2021:

Coming up

I can do any tech job anywhere in the world once they give 10 GB of software and access to 1 TB of company data in first week. Please don’t think I can’t do a job seeing me now. And I would use same post to request or recommend or refer for one.


The idea of interdisciplinary professorship is to teach and guide in multiple disciplines so that they make high tech products like jetpacks, smartphones etc. I will also invent something. (The dream was to become a prof at IISc and visiting at IITM and give conferences in MIT and Caltech and others)

Child hood dream was jet pack.


Iron man suit Fus**n heat-> turbine elec-> water hydrolysis to get H2 and O2 -> controlled jet. Thats how It works. Lets do it. It was just a bulb :D The plan is to provide safe cheap transport to public and costs would fall by 1/100. Jet pack is already made.


Quantum smartphone and supercomputer with fusion based quantum cooling to super conducting quantum entities as you don't know and I don't know. Whats quantum about sun- Its totally thermal. There are QRNG like title in website.




One of the projects is to invoke the Avatar or god Prema sai by doing lots of good and keep happiness and magic going, I just do digital magic once a while and offer help etc. God only knows how my psychology work will come into play in influencing the prayers etc. But god knows all. Psychiatry will not have much role I think. But god is surely smarter than me. Really god only knows. :D :D It makes me think that I have very little knowledge.



All research problems below are done with 3x3 will update but don't have ideas now. These are projects of 2018.


Dr. Harish Ravi (Hirector Extremeadventureinc ) IPho bronze, BTech IITM, Masters Caltech and Phd IISc, Apps using MIT app inventor, Coursera wharton in business medicene and law and youtube psychology etc etc. Prorietor. 15+ publications where I have worked on atomic physics, quantum optics and condensed matter, Now working on theoretical biophysics of the brain and body, chess matrix theory and game, iphone and windows apps, CCD thermometer, TOkamak autopilot car, Adm GPS and Alcohol cycle, fractional medicene (based on reading and biophysics), solar back panel on existing cell phones, doping estimation, neg interest, fractional dividend option and fractional rain tax and automatic flood relief. Experienced back packer, loves travel, art, food and cooking, reading, music and other hobbies. Seeking a job as a asst prof or post-doc or other industry leadership positions. Other projects where I am making a ppt being single all id card and atm integration, iticket like billing option where paper bill can be delivered on the month with request to save trillions in paper and fuel for delivery, paperless electronic education (see blog)/CMBR generator, QKD national comm simulation and RX -> Tx radio Q Crypt communication (Transmit info by recieving). Optical lens tester using cell phone image transform without lens and laptop or display lens image transform option. DId courses in Law, MBA and Medicene from course era and read many books.

As a prof I would teach making the chess and Rubiks cube game on the PC and solving it, making allowed RF walkie talkies as EE com, Lego and snap circuit based robotics, Feyncalc for high energy theory and android app making.

Whats app no +91 8088268949 is active and will respond in 10 mins to 2 hrs for video audio etc. Even you want to hear some terms in different fields cube chess physics etc if you are already a cuber too.

Click to give site feedback or leave comments below.

As a joke miniaturization of tokomak is possible by 2 axis rotating particle jet motors so that the setup relativistically contracts. :D

The other idea is to use fission based hydrolytic jets per above diagram.

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