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Mutations in Covid

10^9 cases there are 10 muts, in 10^7 in Ind there is a mut. Both are within order or says that prob is 10^-7. Due to Vac it's complex. If unchecked there would have been 10^4 mutations globally and 100 in Ind. Every strain takes 2 years. @COVIDNewsByMIB .

Mutation is x1 with prob p and 2 or x per case. After m generations, there will be a new strain with cumulative y mutation. That's how it came to humans I think. And explains B1 @COVIDNewsByMIB (1-(1-p)^m)*2^m . I can calc what is the prob of mutation given statistics.

The science may be better understood and the question is is there memory or is it like waiting for a bus.

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